I wouldn’t be much of a Southerner if I didn’t to start off our November newsletter with a “Happy Fall Y’all!” So, there ya go! Temperatures have been flirting with the 60’s, I have my Fall candles burning, and I’m SO close to being able to wear my favorite vest! This is definitely the best time of the year – the only thing that would make it any sweeter is a Saints win…but that’s a newsletter for another month…in another season.
What I wanted to share with you this month deals with the idea of having PATIENCE with your body. Most of us aren’t wired to be very patient. In fact, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I’ve never encountered a single person who has outwardly considered themselves to be “patient”. Honestly, at some point I think it might go against human nature. Just think, if cavemen “patiently waited” for their next meal, they would have STARVED. No, we just got smarter and figured out ways we didn’t HAVE to be patient!
When it comes to our bodies, however, and healing our bodies naturally I encourage my patients to approach their situation with PATIENCE. Our bodies can do truly incredible things and we have this innate ability to heal ourselves (although it’s not perfect and certainly has it’s limitations). What’s important to understand is that the body works on its own timeline – not the one you set in your mind.After an injury, your body goes to work trying to make the necessary repairs. This process takes time, and depending on the severity, can take a LONG time. The brain on the other hand, specifically the emotional part has no comprehension of such time. The brain is telling you things like “you should have been better a long time ago”, “what’s taking so long”, “you should just push through”, “what if it’s something sinister”, “Barbara from church had this SAME thing and was already better by now”, etc.
These thoughts can be helpful if they are motivating you to take action in a healthy way, but most of the time they are just running interference and encouraging you to make emotional decisions you later come to regret.
I’ve had my fair share of injuries and if there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that my brain will always be ready before my body and that healing doesn’t happen in a straight line. No matter how much I want to feel better RIGHT NOW, I can’t force it – and the highs and lows are part of the process.
If you’re grappling with the frustrations of a body that doesn’t want to cooperate, think of this article and remember to approach your body with patience and kindness.
Things WILL get better.