Tandem Physical Therapy

3 Healthy Habits to Make a Priority in 2021!

We hope everyone has had a safe and healthy holiday season. As we turn the last page of 2020 and begin the new 2021 chapter, it is a great time to reflect on what we have learned over the past year, what we have to be grateful for and what we would like to accomplish in the year ahead.

Over the past year, I have learned to really cherish my time with family and friends. Even though this looked a little different in 2020, I still really appreciated every phone call, virtual get together and distanced gathering. That being said, there are still things that I would like to continue to work on in 2021.

Each year, I try to incorporate at least a few goals to improve my health in the next year. We only get one body and it is very important to take care of it as time goes on.

I often get asked for tips related to health and wellness. To help start the year off right, I have decided to give you my best 3 tips and habits to improve your health and change your life for the better in 2021!

1. Modify your workstation – Whether you are in the office or working from home, you likely spend most of your time at your workstation. My first tip is to ensure your computer desk and chair are set up appropriately.

2. Incorporate regular activity into your schedule – The type of activity can be different for different people. It could be getting back to your home exercises your therapist prescribed or taking a walk or bike ride a few times per week. The key is finding something that works for you, your schedule and lifestyle. Once it is part of your routine, it is much easier to stick with it!

3. Prioritize your time with things you enjoy – If you’re like me, there is always a running to-do list. I seem to always have something that needs to be done, whether that is work-related or getting caught up on my laundry to cleaning out that closet I’ve been putting off. However, it is very important for our overall health to make time for the things we enjoy. For me, this includes taking my dog for a walk, talking with my family members, and playing board games.

We don’t know what tomorrow may bring and life is TOO SHORT to not do the things you love! Find something that brings you joy and make sure it has a place on that to-do list!

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