Tandem Physical Therapy

Casualties of the "Weekend Warrior"...And What You Can Do To Avoid Them

I’m not sure what your yard looks like, but in my neighborhood the pollen is plentiful, the fallen leaves are abundant, and the storm drains are clogged, which can only mean one thing – it’s Springtime in New Orleans!

It’s the time of year when all the weekend warriors come out of their long Winter slumber. The moment they have been waiting months for is now here. The flower beds and garden that have been taunting them all Winter can now be restored to their perfectly pruned and planted state. There is nothing left to do but put pen to paper and start on that Lowe’s weekend shopping list.

And without so much as a thought about stretching or “warming up”, they are off hauling bags of mulch, digging in the dirt, mashing down on shovels, pressure washing for hours, scooping leaves, dragging trash bags through the yard, and pulling weeds and planting flowers. Sound familiar? 😉

It shouldn’t come as a surprise when I tell you Spring is one of our busiest times of the year. Back pain, sciatica, and shoulder pain are the most common casualties of the weekend warrior. Your body quite literally goes into “shock” when it has been mostly sedentary all Winter, and then “BAM!” you’re ready to go full speed ahead!

It’s like trying to start an old, beat-up car for the first time in 4 months (no offense). If you are lucky enough to get it started and then decide to drive it 100 mph on the Interstate, chances are good you’ll blow the engine! Hopefully, I’ve gotten to you before Lowe’s has and you will spend a few minutes (around 10-15) stretching out your legs and back before tackling your big weekend projects.

It is also important to pace yourself. Work away for 30-60 minutes, but then force yourself to take a water break. Take a load off and cool down. When you are ready to get back to work, take on a different task. For instance, if you were just raking and scooping leaves, move over to the garden bed and start working on those weeds. Avoid doing the same activity repeatedly so you don’t get an overuse injury.

At the end of the day, the prudent warrior will expect some degree of soreness. Have an ICE PACK (not heat) ready to use for your back, knees, or shoulders and keep it there for 10-20 minutes. If all your hard work has stirred up some old, familiar pain that you can’t shake on your own, we’re here to help!

If this is the case, we don’t recommend “resting”, or “waiting to see” for more than 2 weeks. The sooner you address the issue, the faster the matter gets resolved. Call us TODAY at (504) 407-3477 if you need a little extra help in getting you over the hump. And if we don’t hear from you, Happy Gardening!

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